I'd love to have a time machine so I could go back to 1999, firstly tell myself to stop wearing polo necks because they make you look like a penis, then secondarily tell my teeny weeny former self I'm going to see the friggin' Backstreet Boys and I'm legally old enough to drink booze before during and after and high five the shit out of strangers because I'm a fucking Champ then I'd have laughed in my stupid 12 year old face, good boyfriends buy flowers, Champ boyfriends sit on Ebay all day fighting other people so you can go and scream at Nick Carters face. also DONNY WAHLBERG. because it's always relevant and OMG.OMG.OMG. DONNY WAHLBERG. you guys I know one new kids on the block song but DONNY WAHLBERG. WAHHHHH.
I am literally going to high five myself in the face because I'm scaring the cat.