Nov 16, 2010 13:34
So it's just been announced there's going to be another Royal Wedding.
Excuse me for being a Republican Sourpuss, but Whoopty Fucking Do. One inbred dullard getting married to another.
The best part of the whole thing so far was switching on the BBC News Channel just as David Cameron was coming out to talk to the media outside Number 10. He was hitting all the beats about being very excited, two young people in love, remember Diana and Charles blah blah blah.
But his face and his body language was saying "Fucking Hell, did they really pull me out here to talk about this crap? I was doing something really important in there and I'm so not in the mood for this bullshit!"
I'm not kidding. He really was fighting to keep his friendly smile up and not give in to the annoyed sneer that kept creeping over his face, his upper lip tightening across his shiny white teeth. He was like that from the moment he tensely strode out to the second he turned on he heel and walked away, leaving a reporter's final question hanging in the air.
Don't get me wrong, I hate the Tories as much as the next man. But when I saw David Cameron was just as unimpressed as everyone else by the idea of two freeloaders getting hitched at massive expenses to everyone that can't afford it, bugger me if just for a second he didn't become a shade more likeable.
Just for a second, mind. After that you remember the tax dodges for his mates, the slashing of services, the bleeding of the universities, the tripling of top-up fees and all the other things they are planning in order to stomp on the most vulnerable and kick those who are already down.