Jun 17, 2004 21:35
Global = DONE!!! Although I feel relieved that I have finished Global forever, I feel kinds unstructured. Almost like Germany afer WWII, as Alexis so beautifully put it. Now that I will have my nights to myself, what shall I do? Perhaps I will take up a hobby, like collecting stamps, or making model ships. Nah. Fuck global. Anyway. You may have looked and seen that the music is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (complete). You read it right, I am listening to the whole book being read by some British guy. Did somebody say AWESOME?!?! Ok.
Yesterday was fun, after English final on Othello, which I totally raped, 94, biatch, I went home with Ben. We blazed, chilled, then I met Lynda and got on the train. Thus beginning the longest subway ride I have and quite possibly ever will take. At Jamaica, we got on the E train, switched to the f train, for some reason, and then rode the train through Queens, then Manhattan, and finally to Brooklyn. I would say it was the scenic route, but the scenery, damp walls of the New York underground weren't that scenic. After sitting next to people of all different ethnic backgrounds, including an old lady that looked like Rosa Parks, we made it to Brooklyn. At the park, which we would stay at for hours, I met many people I knew, and many I didn't know. The majority of people I didn't know were there for the concert, and didn't know anyone there. But then again, I met the entire 10th grade class of Heschel, and some other people. Eddie being manly at the grill, phew, hot. Many inappropriate comments regarding those long, thick, juicy, hot dogs. At one point, I went into the playground and saw this harp, and I went over to go play it. But when I tried to pluck the strings, I got wet. Now I know what you're thinking, I must have imagined this harp, but no, it was there. Then, to make sure it wasn't really a harp, I ran through it. And got even wetter. It's a good thing it wasn't a real harp, cuz it might've sliced me up. Shite. Anyway, I came back, wet. Then, me and Michal went to the playground to go on the slides. As we were about to go down this double slide, some girl in a bikini came and poured water on the slide. She must've been like 8. Then I decided to slide down, and not only did it not make me go faster, it just made my ass wet. Then we made conversation with said nymphette. Michal eventually convinced her to give me a hug. Now everyone in the park may have been thinking "child molestor", but there was something there between me and the girl who was just about half my age. I def shoulda tapped that. Anyway, more crazy antics at the Barbecue, then, me, Michal, Danielle, Eis, and Sara (at least I think those were there names) went to the playground again. This time we went on the swings, decided that they were too dangerous, as they probably were the easiest ways to get STD's, which is actually just another word for love. Then Michal demonstrated her being a pirate, and in the process, knocked over a little black kid who was probably a threat to her playing with the spinning wheel. Those toddlers, always trying to steal those wheels. Anyway, we stayed there for a while, in the park that is. Then the concert started, Los Lobos in the house!!! They were awesome, of course we didn't pay to go in, cuz we are Jewish, and you know those Jews, soooo cheap. After smelling weed EVERYWHERE, turning down an opportunity to play kickball against Bush, and getting a bit of nargila, we got in the car to go to Eddie's house. Then the 'rents brought me and Lynda home. That was that.
And Michal, you got this for your school, time for the Schechter version.
Extra points if you get Brian Albert......