May 10, 2004 02:12
First of all. Civil War songs were awesome. And so was the civil war. I mean, who fights over black people?!?!? Come on. Anyway. I just finished my global project on New Zealand. And I musy say, I sure learned alot. NO! Abso-fucking-lutely not. New Zealand is so gay. Finished project, am now DOGless, so I will rant.
Today was mother's gay. Went to Brooklyn to spend some time with the older generation. We arrived at 2063 (Whatever the fuck street in Bensonhurst it is), and exited the Odyssey. As we entered the old hallway of my grandmother's home, my uncle left his apartment. He "reeked" of marijuana! So I started laughing, cuz I now knew what that distinct smell his house had was. The sweet ganja. We got in the car with him, argued about music. That fucking guy. Then we went to Coney Island. He played handball, tali and I threw a ball around. There were times when I said fuck it, and almost fell asleep under the shade of a nice tree. Even though I was sitting on concrete. Then the ice cream man came!! Rob gave me money and told me to get him an orange soda and a vanilla pop. He said if they didn't have orange soda, ginger ale. I went over, and got Tali a Choco Taco, myself some cookies and creme shit, and for Robert, i asked for a vanilla pop and orange soda, they didn't have orange soda or ginger ale, only mountain dew. But instead of a vanilla pop (which i don't even know what the fuck that is), he gave me a cone with vanilla ice cream, and drove off before we could get robert a drink. What an asshole. So I felt obligated to not only eat my cookies and creme ice cream, but also, Robert's ill fated "vanilla cone." He eventually caught up to the guy and got what he wanted. And I can not believe I just wasted all that time, typing that. By this point, if you aren't anywhere near laughing, just stop reading, it doesn't get any funnier. Rob and I went on the Cyclone. What an awesome ride. Then we all went to eat at this diner. I got this food, and it was good.