Apr 12, 2005 18:59
here's something that applies to my life (and most teenagers) i read in christine-
Sometimes it's a car, sometimes it's a girl (in my case, brittany), sometimes it's a career or a musical instrument or an unhealthy obsession with a famous person...With stork it was his model train set...he flunked out of brown the second semester of his freshman year. His grades were going to hell and what it came down to was a choice between college and his trains. Stork picked trains...He killed himself in 1961. My point is that good people can sometimes get blinded, and it's not always their fault...
The cunningham house, which had always been pleasan and low key in the past, was now an armed camp (aka my house). It is a state of affairs a lot of people can remember from their teenage years, i guess; too many, maybe. The kid is egotistical enough to think he or she is the first person in the world to discover some particular thing, usually a girl, (BRITTANY, in my case) and the parents are too scared and stupid and possessive to want to let go of the halter (HANK AND MY MOM) Sins on both sides.
Sorry, this just struck a realistic key. An f sharp. No pun intended. That's what happened to me, although i don't think it was a sin on my part to fall in love with a girl like brit, how could i not? She was asking for it, she made me fall in love with her - its her fault. LOL at myself. my parents, they don't need to let go of the halter entirely, i still need thier help, but they could at least loosen the halter, eh? Sometimes they need to let the little things go. Let the small fish go to catch the big ones. If i can't tell them about the little things without getting an ass beating, how am i going to trust them enough to tell them about the big things? I don't know, it's just that sometimes they forget being what the life of a teenager really is. I just hope to god that i'm a good father someday. I really worry about fallowing my step dad's footsteps just like he followed his moms footsteps. HEY HO, LET"S GO- the ramones! Randomness is cool!