Nov 11, 2004 15:40
im sitting here at work like i noramlly am at this time. just sitting here..hey im in idle blank! wonder how long thats been going on for. i should probably hit ready...but they havent called me out yet. seems when their boss isnt here no one really cares.
anyhow...another day. usually goes by slow and/or quick, depending on whats goin on or the call volume. i dont mind it as much. stupid people continue to call in with their incorrect information. i make it through the day knowing that jared is sitting next to me...just makes me smile and keep on kicking it, right up they ass b/c they cant turn their FUCKING COMPUTER ON!
(pussy come with option to auto turn on)
haha check out margaret cho's revolution the chain.
well i guess i should comment on the election. i do not believe that the right person won. doesnt mean i wont support him, he is our president and most of america chose him over the man who i would have voted for had i been registered properly. hes not very bright. at all. im not a very political person, but i do pay attention to what other people say and read up on people. it just doesnt feel right, if thats the correct terminology to say about it. something doesnt fit with another 4 years of that bozo in the oval office. im not sure how much more of a better choice that kerry would have been b/c reading new articles on the matter and seeing new viewpoints, but to me it would have been a better choice. (at least bush can now clear up his mess in iraq..but who knows something else may pop up, and japan disappears..who knows)
and then there is the gay marriage thing. 11 states banned it. 2 of those 11 recognize some sort of civil union. but to me i believe if you dont call it marriage, at least let me have that RIGHT to be recognized as being able to include my other half in something. god knows if something were to happen to me and jared couldnt be there, or i left him hanging...what then? im not sure if these people who are "scared" of letting me say i belong to jared the way a man and (wo)man in a "recognized" marriage (or some sort of LEGAL way to call it) belong to each other is fucking retarded. to say that is to put it lightly. how can you have that right to tell me who to marry to be recognized as being american or to have that right to that in my state. i live in one of those 11 states...its funny, jared and i were watching a show last night and they compared it to voting for bush...that they went hand in hand...
and its true.
hey im still riding it out...and havent been called out...
(pussy crack corn...and i dont care)
so britney released her greatest of what, like 4 cd's? wtf is that. and her album cover...they took her face, superimposed it over christina's old body, killed a bear and threw it over her shoulders, then forgot to color the backdrop. man, im still gonna pick it up eventually but...gotta make fun of it like everyone else. and now her rendition of "my perrogative" is stuck in my head. yay for that...
also picked up the recent Jimmy Eat World cd "Futures" i believe (interesting title also, seeing their past)...that song "Pain" has caught my attention...
I don't feel the way I've ever felt.
I know.
I'm gonna smile and not get worried.
I try but it shows.
Anyone can make what I have built.
And better now
Anyone can find the same white pills.
that take my pain away.
It's a lie. A kiss with open eyes
And she's not breathing back.
Anything but bother me.
(It takes my pain away)
Nevermind these are hurried times.
Oh oh oh
I can't let it bother me.
I never thought I'd walk away from you.
I did.
But it's a false sense of accomplishment.
Everytime time I quit
Anyone can see my every flaw.
It isn't hard.
Anyone can say they're above this all.
but it takes my pain away.
its extremely well done...lyrics arent so happy, but its a catchy tune. took me forever to figure out who had sung it, and one night around 3 when i was in walmart, i HEARD it and it turned out to be them..go figure eh?
(pussy come with BRAIN)
...or not.
theres also this rap song that has my attention. i dont know who it belongs to, i cant remember the lyrics, and the beat doesnt help...
anyhow, ive spoken enough. theres probably something else coming, but im never sure. later all...
(pussy come with hot sauce!)