Last night was fun. I went over to Stef's and we went and saw Charlie and the chocolate factory. Her sis Erin came along with us to the show. We saw the 10:45 show and did not get home until about 1. had box training yesterday, that was lots of fun. not really. It started and hour late and got out an hour later. I was late to my car appointment I had at 3:00. Did not get there until 4, and got done finally at 6. You see, there was smoke coming into my cabin since Saturday night. And well the problem is now fixed. I had no idea what was wrong, I had a few people look and it and they were not sure. It turned out that there is a drain underneath the dashboard and it was plugged. Now it is not and all the smoke is gone. I have to work today at 4:30, at least get my schedule. Can't wait until next Saturday, I go on vacation with Stef’s family. Now that is fun. I have a new AIM. It is, jackoneal005. TTYL!
(Charlie) (Star Theater) (1995 Grand Prix)