Feb 27, 2006 09:35
allright well i guess im back..that was quick
IV really gained weight, iv really been drinking,smoking to much.
Iv made up so many excuses not to quit smoking but its stupid.
Whenever i smoke i feel like shit, a horrible headache and it doesnt make me feel better.
The way i smoke now doesnt make me feel better. If i was to have two ciggarrettes a day then it would be fine...buti know i cant do that i dont have that self control. Maybe in the future i will. Im quitting smoking for good. Im never going to buy a pack again. If Im out with friends and we're all drunk...yeah ill let myself have a ciggarrette. But never buying a pack again. Drinking is also a huge enemy of mine. I drink way to much for no reason. Its basicly gotten to the point whre drinking isnt fun at all and i feel like shit every morning and im gassy and burpy and cause iv been drinking beer, iv gained weight. Iv also been eating an incredicble amount. I mean not even caring anytmore. basicly not even caring about life anymore. Im sick of it. Iv been writing in a journal(on real paper) but its so much easier to write on this considering im on the computer def. multiple times during the day. I really should just write in this. Im going back onto the diet i was originally on that turnd me around and made me healthy and in control.
My goal is to lose 6-7 pounds a month. I know that the first month will most likely be more then 6 pounds because your body always reacts like that. Im going to do this exaclty how i did it before not change anything. I didnt start working out until agter the first 3 weeks which helped me lose weight, I kinda hitt a platuea and then my body was burning more cals from working out so i dropped weight really fast. Im sure it will take me about 6 or 7 months to get to my goal weight. I know that ill reach 130 really fast...and then it will slow down to like 4 pounds a month after that...which im fine with. As long as i get out of the 40's right away!!! I dont want to make this a fast diet that i lose large amount of weight unhealthily. This is going to be my lifelong diet plan so i can take it slow and steady.WITHOUT smoking WITHOUT drinking. Im only letting myself drink wine or hard liquor on this diet. Im not leting myself go oout unless its a special occasion or im going out to dinner or something.