Jun 23, 2007 00:32
Dans birthday was great... well last night we all hung out at the cabin, not many of us, I got really drunk... I was kinda flirting with Dan, but why not, he's wicked sexy ad he's single after how many years? uhhh yeah... fuck it might as well try to brghten his spirits. Wll, I thought all was well and we were both happy laughin and having a good time... and then Tash got really mad! :( So I stopped and felt like a retard cuz I didn't mean harm and didn't think she would get mad. Oh well. This morning she said something about it too how it was fucked up... hmmm... :( ok...
We went shopping today tho I got a friggen BEAUTIFUL bithing suit.
I ate Dennys breakfast for lunch damn good.
I got my nails done the chinese dude fucked em up bad.. I had gel, he filled with acrylic, and it looks totally different and shitty!
The party tonight was great, and big... well out for the night, sitll kinda happy still think Dans fiiine! ahh but an ass... o well its all fun n games! :)