Just a small update for ya

Jun 12, 2006 17:03

Yeah I'm bored, so I gonna update.

So I found out that I am not a fan of jury duty. There's too much waiting, and this time for nothing. I wasn't about to sit on this jury for atleast 3 days, and not even consecutive days! James Earl must have done something not so good because the State of Michigan was willing to spend 3 days on the one case. But I was kinda curious as to what the case was about, but I'd rather be done serving for the year.

Other than that, I went out to lunch with Balls today, but then she left me to go to work. Yeah but I hung around there and chatted with her mom since she wanted company.

Was up in Mt. Pleasant last weekend, had a good time it was like a mini vacation lol. Went out a few times with Heat and a few others, started my new career as a golf pro, but other than that just hung around.

Vegas in 18 days!!

-------IN THE PAST 24HRS HAVE YOU----------
* Cried: Nope
* Worn jeans: Yes
* Met someone: Yeah
* Done laundry: Nope, but I think I will tonight
* Drove a car: Yes
* Talked on the phone: Yes
* Kissed someone: Nope
* Said I love you: Nope

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------
* Yourself: Depends on what I'm doing
* Your friends: Yeah
* Santa Claus: Yeah, but not that whole chimney thing
* Tooth Fairy: No
* Destiny/Fate: Yes, definitely!
* Ghosts: Not ghosts, but spirits
* UFO's: Yeah

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE-------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? Yes, I hate saying my name
* Do you like anyone?
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Hm...I'd have to say either Ron or Heather
* Who's the loudest? Melissa, she's just a loud talker
* Who's the shyest? I dont know off hand
* Who's the weirdest? Sean
* Who do you hang out with the most? Right now it's Rana, Melissa, Sam and Ashley
* When you cried the most who was there? Well I haven't cried infront of anyone in awhile, but the last time was probably Heather?
*What's the best feeling in the world? Satisfaction
* Worst Feeling? Failure

---------HAVE YOU EVER?----------------
1. Kissed your dog: Yes...is that weird?
2. Ran away: No
3. Skipped school: Sometimes, I'm a badass
4. Broken someone's heart: Probably not
5. Been in love: I don't know
6. Cried when someone died: Yes, very sad times
7. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Of course who hasn't?

--------WHICH IS BETTER----------
11. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
12. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
13. Love or Lust: Love
14. Sprite or 7UP: 7UP
15. Girls or Guys: Usually guys, but it depends on the specific person
16. Scruff or Clean shaved: scruffed
17. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
18. Tall or Short: Taller than me
19. Pants or Shorts: Pants
20. Night or Day: Day

21. What do you notice first: Smile or laugh
22. What emotional feature draws you to them: Sense of Humor

----------THE LAST TIME YOU...------------
23. Showered: Earlier today
24. Stepped outside: about a half hour ago to get gas
25. Didn't exist:
26. Had a romantic memory: Um...

27. Makes you smile: My friends
28. Who can make you smile no matter what? Any of my friends, it's not hard

--------DO YOU EVER---------
31. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call: No way
32. Do you save AIM conversations: Nope
33. Forward secret e-mails to someone else: Nope
35. Wish E-mails:what?
34. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Maybe for a day, but that's about it
37. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: No way, that's a bit obsessive

--------HAVE YOU EVER---------
38. Made out with JUST a friend: Yeah
39. Kissed two people in the same day? Yep, it's called Freshman year of college lol.
40. Had sex with two different people in the same day? Nope
41. Been rejected? Yes
42. Been in love? That was already a question
44. Used someone? Probably
45. Been used: Probably
46. Cheated on a test? Yeah, I was bad
47. Been cheated on? Nope
49. Done something you regret? Yeah, but there nothing you can do about it, so why dwell on it

--------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON...---------
50. That you saw? My mother
51. You talked to? Again my mother
52. You hugged? Aaron
53. You instant messaged? Heather
54. You messaged on myspace? I posted a bulletin a few days ago
55. You yelled at? Oh geez, I can't remember
56. You thought about? Rana, I don't know why
57. Who text messaged you? Aaron, quite some time ago
58. Who told you they loved you? Probably my dad

--------DO YOU?-------
59. Color your hair? I did, a while ago
60. Have tattoos? Nope
61. Have piercings? Yeah a few in the ears
62. Have a crush? No
63. Own a webcam? Nope
64. Own more than 10 pairs of flip flops? Probably, I have a million pairs
65. Like someone? Yeah
66. Hate someone? No, I don't hate...usually
67. Have 200 dollars? I don't think so

69. Smoke? Yeah
70. Schizophrenic? No
71. Obsessive? About some things
72. Happy? Yeah
73. Sad? No
74. Paniced? Not at this moment
75. Have a STD? You name it I got it
76. Depressed? No
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