Sep 04, 2009 17:05
So I've seen a lot of people doing intro posts, and thought it would be a good idea for my first journal. I've had this LJ for awhile but I'm lazy and a sporadic poster at best anyway. So!
I'm Jessica. Most people call me Jess! I'm 21 and currently in college. I live in Illinois, land of corn and...more corn, and sometimes cows. I'm pansexual, though bisexual will do. I'm axlikelyxstory over on tumblr. I'm a huge nerd about books, theater, TV/film, music, history, and fairy tales/mythology/folklore, as well as a bunch of other things I'm forgetting, and could happily talk about/listen to other people talk about these subjects all day. Prone to cursing, abusing italics and the caps lock key, and keysmash.
I started reading fanfic when I was thirteen or so (I can't remember when, exactly, but it's been several years). Current fandoms: Sherlock Holmes of any and all varieties*, DC comics (primarily Batfam, though I am branching out some), Marvel comics/MCU, Revenge, Justified. Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter are old loves I still get into once in awhile. I'm something of a serial monogamist when it comes to fandoms and bounce around depending on what's currently got my attention.
I love to write. I write all the time, everywhere, both fanfic and original. Not much of it is posted anywhere, partly because I'm terrified I'll get booed off the internet and partly because I'm terrible at finishing anything.
*with the exception of Sherlock. The fandom has kinda killed that show for me.
I like people. Please feel free to friend me; I love talking to new people. I friend everyone back. If you do decide to friend me, I'd love it if you left a comment and said hi, but you don't have to.
If you would rather talk privately, you're welcome to email or PM me. I am about as scary as a very unscary thing, I promise, though I admit I'm kinda flaky! Sometimes I don't respond right away, I'm sorry, it's not you, I just suck.
Friends? :)
introduction post