The only thing worse than staying late at work, is staying late at work and then still having to bring work home with you. My bed is covered in proofs. Which is not particularly conducive to proofing. Nor indeed, sleeping, for that matter. Ah well.
It looks like I'm on the move further south. No real details yet, other than that I'm selling my soul to the corporate devil for a year to do so. Boo - giving up a possible acting thang that was looking so positive. Yay - Money, lovely house and the first thing I'm buying is a piano. (I know,
soaked_in_stars, I know. But now there will be a lovely house for you to come stay in and play the lovely piano. *pets*) Boo - not back in Scotland and nearer
littleloonlost Yay - nearer
lifeasanamazon. Swingsandroundabouts, my friends.
Plus I have made an executive decision to use each of my icons one after the other without repetition starting with the lesser-used ones, until I get through them all. Sad girl. That's pretty much the extent of my decision making right now.