Nataku, were you still up for hoisting my sails? The ship's about ready, and all she needs is that last, final touch.
Ah, and what's a ship without a crew? ...Now, who were those volunteers again? Nearly all women, as I recall.
To be fair, of course, I'll extend my offer once again- and be most assured that it's a once-in-a-lifetime chance, mates; Which of you have the courageous enterprise to sail under Captain Jack Sparrow?
...That's not the worst name, either. The Enterprise... Hm. I like it. The ship isn't as sturdy as the Black Pearl, mind you, but it's far better than I could have hoped to expect coming from supplies gathered in the vicinity of this place. Now all it needs to do is give us another storm to rival that last one, and I can finally test her out.
[OOC: For reference, the ship looks like
this, and will serve as his new 'home' afloat the river :x]