Mon, 05:08: RT @ roastmalone_: okay hear me out: instead of continually giving awards to problematic people we have celebrities celebrate their work acc…
Mon, 07:22: RT @ popplioikawa: intimacy gifts for nucarnival boys are like yakumo: thousands of knives edmond: straight sugar olivine: helpful classroom…
Mon, 07:36: RT @ Karnythia: Incels aren't nerds though. Seriously, nerds have hobbies and friends. Black nerds are at conventions, on Twitch, gaming, so…
Mon, 08:11: Just because they aren't persecuted where you see it (tho your attitude is that of a bully), doesn't mean they aren't there, figuring things out for themselves. Words for feelings (and sexual identities) change over time as we understand more. Binary thinking doesn't cut it.