Feb 17, 2022 12:00
- Wed, 19:08: RT @ CastersnCastles: Join the Croissant Club for a Valentine's day adventure. ROSES OF RED Part 1, with DM @ mspixieriot and players @ ehloan…
- Wed, 19:10: RT @ TaikaWaititi: Oh Jesus not another fuckn thing from Taika that talented fuck. March 3 on @ hbomax #OurFlagMeansDeath https://t.co/XkUE…
- Wed, 19:14: RT @ dwatkinsworld: THE BIGGEST FLEX is the 100’s of Native Baltimore residents, many of which had to deal with GTTF / BCPD assholes DIRECTL…
- Wed, 19:29: RT @ nikhilshantaram: Just an Evil Dead appreciation post and yes that's a boomstick. The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's t…
- Wed, 21:56: RT @ ankharel: can they animate THIS https://t.co/GTEZw7itdv
- Thu, 00:17: Wordle 243 3/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
- Thu, 00:18: FUCK YES. Got to see him live once. So cool. https://t.co/18D1t90sYH
- Thu, 05:12: RT @ broccoli_goods: TVアニメ『SK∞ エスケーエイト』より、アニメの名場面を使用した「トレーディングミニアクリルスタンド1種8柄」と「クリアファイル2枚セット全4種」が2022年4月15日(金)に発売決定です! #sk_8 #エスケーエイト https://…
- Thu, 05:14: RT @ HSouthwellFE: not every week that an old F1 chassis jig turns up in a boathouse after being lost for 70 years: https://t.co/YCYo3ZDiRr
- Thu, 05:16: RT @ notcapnamerica: Instantly recognizable millennial iconography. You had to be there. https://t.co/q0jfVCHF2d