Jate Month

Nov 02, 2006 15:50

I decided something last night. We, as Jaters, can either let promos and the obvious yet tasteless turn into Skate world that TPTB has taken bum us out.

Or we can rebel, fight the power, prove Jate superiority, proclaim far and wide the greatness that is Jack and Kate's love.

So I bring you: Jate Month.I propose that we make November 2006 Jate ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

calleigh_caine November 2 2006, 23:12:03 UTC
I'm writing Jate fiction for my NaNoWriMo as well. Of course, recent events have discouraged me greatly. But I'll keep pushing along because I like this idea.


sweetbelle07 November 4 2006, 00:44:22 UTC
Sweet! Are you putting your NaNoWriMo on a journal? Cause I'd love to read it.


born_butterfly November 2 2006, 23:24:07 UTC
me likes this idea! I just made a Jate Lims community jate_lims to keep jate alive :D


sweetbelle07 November 4 2006, 00:44:36 UTC
I love it! If I were an icon maker, I would so join!


silverstreak18 November 3 2006, 00:01:25 UTC
yay! i love you! thank you for posting this!!

I stayed up a looong time last night and couldn't sleep after the previews/promos for next week and thought:

what if the whole skate scene is just a plan so that they can try to escape/find more answers from the others etc etc....

i dunno, but its very possible. The show ALWAYS changes what you think....its just crazy!!



PS - i'm not too good at making icons and wallpapers, but i'm sure i can create some picspams !


sweetbelle07 November 4 2006, 00:45:47 UTC
They do always change things on Lost. S'why I love it so much. You never know exactly what to expect. Except Jate of course. :D

*hugs back*

I love pic-spams. Bring 'em on.


raisingirl99 November 3 2006, 00:25:41 UTC
What an awesome, positive post!

My writing/iconing skills (if you could call them that) are limited at best, but I can try to spread the word.


sweetbelle07 November 4 2006, 00:46:25 UTC
Cool! Whatever you can contribute would be more than welcome. :)


youngwoman6703 November 3 2006, 13:06:50 UTC
Woo! That post made me all warm & fuzzy inside. :D Thanks for the motivation!


sweetbelle07 November 4 2006, 00:48:38 UTC
Glad I could motivate you. That makes me warm and fuzzy. :D


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