Jan 13, 2010 23:52
adapted from H's
I don't like being broke especially when I see something awesome. I don't like the way boys treat girls. I don't like the fickle mind my mother has. I don't like waking up realizing I'm late for school. I don't like being short. I don't like how my hair is so flat. I don't like when people stare at you in a pervertic manner. I don't like the state my legs are in when its flat on the floor. I don't like how both my eyes aren't even. I don't like how irresponsible I can be. I don't like dressing up and realizing I don't have a shoe to match my outfit. I don't like having high hopes. I don't like being alone. I don't like how part of my life is turning out. I don't like people scratching against cupboard. I don't like rollercoasters. I don't like seeing any form of lizards. I don't like when the door is half open. I don't like how untidy my sister can get. I don't like when I stare at my cupboard and I can't find anything to wear. I don't like guys with goatee. I don't like guys with nose hair either. I don't like fake people. I don't like unhealthy I can be. I don't like mushrooms.
but hey, life is unfair.