Wow. More than a week has gone by since I last posted anything. See, that’s what ALWAYS happens with my blogs. In time, they all die a natural death. Well let’s see how long this one’s got left to go, eh?
Okay, so on to the backdated-updates (what redundancy!)..
Tim & I welcomed our very first Malaysian houseguests the weekend before last! Leehead & Kris arrived Sunday evening and stayed on till early Thursday morning. I played tour guide showing them around London for a couple of days though I haven’t fully graduated from tourist-status myself. Nonetheless, we all did pretty okay. Went to most of the typical places London visitors always head for..finally checked out Harrod’s - their perfume department nearly killed my nose, but thankfully, all was put right when we found their cake and pastries section. They’ve also got a Krispy Kreme store, which was easily the highlight of the Harrod’s visit for both me and Kris. Mm mm mm!
A day or two after Leehead & Kris left, London experienced a nice little tornado which left 6 people injured and a few hundred homes damaged in the North West region. We didn’t personally experience it here in Woodside Park, but I was aware of it being unusually windy. Working on the computer, I felt the windows rattle most of the day and watched the holly tree swing right and left due to the heavy winds, but it didn’t occur to me that tornados could happen in London. As it turns out, it was reported in the news the following day that the last tornado to hit London was back in 1954!
News of destruction aside, Tim & I skipped the pub last Friday and had a quiet evening at home instead. It’s not that I’m unsociable, but it’ll probably take me a little more time to feel like regularly pubbing is something I really want to do. We also decided to have a plan-free lazy weekend for the first time since I moved over, and I have to’s nice being self-indulgent every once in a while. We spent all our previous weekends sightseeing, shopping or having Tim’s family or friends over, so it was a lovely change to just sleep in till lunch and not do much. Apart from the standard weekend grocery shop, we finally went to watch Casino Royale. Tim’s wanted to see it since it was released, so we finally did, and spent the rest of the night humming the Bond theme tune on the way to a Thai restaurant for dinner.
I would have to say that given the typical Bond clichés, the film was still done pretty well. Daniel Craig doesn’t disappoint as leading man, though I still do prefer Pierce Brosnan’s looks. However, Craig pulls off Brit sarcasm better, and undeniably has the fitter body. Loved Judi Dench’s delivery of M, and enjoyed a lot of the snappy wit-laden conversations between the characters. All in all, it’s just one of those films you’ve got to see if: (a) you’re a guy, (b) you’ve got a guy, or (c) you dig Daniel Craig’s tight ass. It will appeal to the little boy in you who’s always wanted to be James Bond, and the girl in you who’s always wished for a James Bond to charm you off your feet.
And before I end this post, I just need to say..Incubus’s Light Grenades peaked at #1 on the Billboard Albums Chart - it’s the first time they’ve had one of their albums do that, so yay! Meanwhile, go buy the album if you haven’t already got it, or do an illegal download if you must (and then buy the album after that!). Also, Incubus will be touring London in April next year and Tim & I have got tickets! Hoorah! Sorry, just had to brag. =P