Postdated Post 1

Nov 07, 2006 12:28

It’s so sad. The kind soul whom I stole wireless connection from last week is no longer online this week. Either that or he/she has somehow gone into hiding out of slow-connection annoyance. Hehe.

Well anyways, what this means is that all my blog-entries will be slightly backdated from now. God knows when we’ll regain some means of connection for me to post them online. Tim did ring up Tiscali (our bloody broadband provider) again this morning, and spoke to the very same girl I spoke to the last time (not that I technically have a way of proving this - I just think she sounds like the same idiot). The only explanation she could provide us was that BT (British Telecom) apparently misinformed them of the INABILITY of our phone-line to support the connection speed we applied for. And so because they sat around waiting for BT, we ended up sitting around thinking our application was being processed fine. But it turns out that BT eventually got back to them and said our line WAS capable of the speed we wanted after all, so Tiscali has finally re-processed our application. But that works out to another 10-12 days of waiting for us. Wankers.

So in the meantime, I have been keeping myself occupied with other things. Like the fact that Tim is back from Prague. Yay, haha. The poor boy got the coldest reception upon returning home because somewhere towards the end of the weekend I started losing my marbles from being alone for 3 days..

I will admit that I should deal with things like that better, but I just can’t. It’s not that I don’t try though. It’s just one of those inherent flaws I haven’t been able to do much about, despite knowing that it sucks to be that way. And of course I hate myself for being weak about it. Sigh.

But anyways, on to less-depressing thoughts. I took it upon myself to clean out Tim’s official document bag yesterday. It contains years of bills and records of everything imaginable, but most of it has really expired beyond any kind of possible future use, so I decided to throw the stuff prior to 2004 out. Digging through his old bills allowed me to form an estimation of what some of our utility bills might add up to, which kept me busy with a calculator for a bit. Basically, stuff like that is my only form of fun for now, hehe. No, seriously. I sort of made myself Director of Finances, so it’s my job to devise the best possible budget for living, and ensure that we stay within the budget. That also means that no bills are allowed to escape my scrutiny, for I run a rigid regiment. Haha. But yes, so far I would have to say we’re doing pretty alright. Living comfortably, though not luxuriously, but that never happens anyways unless you were born or married into it. Of which I am sort of neither.    =P

Despite that, I haven’t really got any complaints. I love being around Tim and making up for lost-time. It is a truly fantastic feeling..

Oh, but sidetracking a little.. I did compile the edits for my showreel yesterday after document-sorting, and Tim printed out copies of my resume at work. He’ll be mailing my stuff to Arturo during lunch today, so hopefully we’ll get some good news in the near future. To be honest, I am prepared to accept that Arturo won’t have anything for me for a while (if ever). After all, I am applying for a freelance job that doesn’t exist at the moment. And despite Joanne’s best efforts in putting in a good word for me to Arturo and his colleagues, I wouldn’t kid myself into thinking that they truly find my editing skills to be all that great. ‘Cause honestly, I’m more experienced at being an all-round producer than just a dedicated editor. So yeah, we’ll have to see how it goes but fingers-crossed nonetheless.
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