Well... at least Harper's account left me one appropriate icon for this. Must remember to get that paid.
Anyway, so I've done the Bachelor's thesis thing once before and I managed to keep up with all my characters just fine (it was terribly hard for a couple months, but I managed!). Doing another one would be no different, right? Wrong. An art thesis is an entirely different animal, plus I'm working a job, plus an unpaid internship...and 15 credit hours. Last few weeks have been pretty much hell as we work up towards a major checkpoint in our work and... I've been too exhausted at night to even think of dropping more than a comment or two. ...which I haven't really been doing anyway. The stress of knowing I have 12 to reach my goals for and I've been failing with half to most of them lately is actually making me less likely to play anyone.
When I first got six characters I swore to myself that if I couldn't keep up, I would drop. And, the rub is that if I wasn't in school, I know I could keep up. But I've got most of a year left, and then I'm going to try for a PhD and there's no way a PhD is easier than this. I should probably drop down to 3 or 4, and I really should cut my lineup in half. I'll probably end up with 6 or 7 left to start and cut it down more as I need to.
What I'm alskjfd about is that... if I didn't need to drop so many I'd probably only drop one or two at the most. I don't want to drop most of them. The rest of this entry is mostly me flailing about who to drop so you can ignore it if you want. Pay no attention to the man behind the screen!
So, right now, I figure the first step is to organize them in terms of how "over my dead body" I am about dropping them. (Or in some cases, "yeah, definitely needs to go")
Absolutely Safe:
Harper: I've had Harper for three years and he's going strong. And in a pretty good mental place in camp for once. Yeah, no dropping for the Harper. I'd probably keep him even if his castmates all dropped.
Zanki: My KR character with the best, most consistent and just most relationships outside the greater Toku cast. I love, love love playing him to death and would definitely keep him if all his cast dropped. I can throw him into lots of situations and he's actually social, unlike some others.
Alain: As long as Bert is here, he's very happy, and he is so easy to throw out when I'm not neglecting him to try to meet my other characters' goals. If I were to drop down to three or four characters I know he'd bounce right back to 2-300 comments a month.
Probably Safe:
Senri: If I dropped down to just four, I'd probably pick Senri over the others. He's always exceeded my expectations and he has a wonderful cast and he has amazing little relationships with lots of people. I love throwing him out. His drawbacks are that it's hard to give things to respond to easily, because he's mostly mute (He might actually fair better in a prose-type game) and I tend to be slow with commenting him. I don't multitask very well with Senri so I play him fastest and longest when he's the only one out. On the other hand, my comment-stamina with him usually isn't enough to handle big posts.
Maybe Safe:
Juuzou: ....is so very antisocial and has almost zero meaningful interaction outside his cast. But I love him anyway, and he has an amazing cast! And I do have plans... I just haven't had the energy to do them. If I cut down my lineup I think I could probably find the steam I had with him when I first got him in again.
Not Safe:
Taiga: His relationships outside his cast stagnated because he had his family and didn't really care to pursue them. Now he doesn't and he's utterly miserable. Most of his issues are IC vs OOC issues but I'll admit I haven't felt really confident in him for a few months. I know there's a Wataru apping so I'll at least wait to see if they go through with it or not but yeah, really not safe at all for Taiga. I'm not even really sure Wataru would help Taiga's IC issues (certainly wouldn't help get him more relationships of any kind outside the greater Toku cast, at least) Add to that, he's coming up on his two-year anniversary and with the exception of Harper, no one else has lasted much past it.
On the chopping block:
Lily: ....I fail. New characters should not be in this category. However, I don't actually think this has anything to do with Lily's character or interactions. I got her in just as school started and just didn't have the time and didn't have the time and when I finally did go "screw it, I'll do my homework tomorrow" and posted I crashed right away and then the weeks of hell started up and I haven't been able to go back to her post. That aside, I feel not at all confident in her voice right now and terrible and guilty about letting down my cast. Neither of which actually inspires me to get her out more. I know I do need to give her another chance, but as it is she's on really shaky ground and if I did drop down to 5 or less, she'd go. Fffff the longer I have her and...not play her, the harder it is TO play her. I think she'll be going soon. D: D:
Just need to get the balls to announce the drop:
No Name
...one down, a lot more to go. :( :(