Mario Kart Wii Online

May 12, 2008 15:47

After talking to Evan last night and my phone dying, I played a lot of Mario Kart online. My general opinion was that it's good but has its problems. Well, now it just has problems. You start with a rating of 5000. I'm pretty good so far, my rating is 6500 with playing about 30 matches (most people are 4800-5500, only seen 2 other people 6000+). However, i dont think i can get much higher for these horrible reasons:

Blue shells - Only seem to appear on Coin Runners (you collect coins on the track, getting hit makes you lose abut 25% of them, other people can then collect them. It's fun) and i since i lead most of the time, it always hits me and makes you lose about 50% of your coins (doesnt happen too often though)

Wii Wheel - So, you get MORE points for using the Wheel online when you win, and lose LESS points when you lose. This is why i will probably never play the game online anymore. That's just stupid. And it's not just you have to use the wheel, you have to have ALREADY been using the wheel greater than 50% of the time you've been playing the game. So I would have to play for 10 hours with the wheel in 1 player to the "benefit". Simply AWFUL.

Poor game matching - It's 2-12 people. Sometimes theres 3 people and you are a 1-man team. For Coin Runners that means you have to collect more coins than 2 other people. Pretty impossible. You lose a lot of points when you lose.

Your team sucks - They randomize the teams everytime. If I dont lead in points (most coins, most balloons popped) for EVERYBODY, not just my team and we lose, I lose points. If I'm middle of the pack or lower on the winning team, I lose points.

I understand it's a rating system BUT - I lose way too many points when on a losing team or if I'm on a board I do poorly at or it's an easy board for everybody. I lose about 100-160 when I lose. If I lose but have the most coins/balloons popped, I gain about 30-50. If I have the most and my team wins, I get about 50-80. Not a fair system.

Red Shells - Red shells are HORRIBLE in this game. The shoot slower than green shells. They shoot stright and if the guy isnt within a tine vision cone of you, the shell WILL NOT home in on anyone. Oh yeah, the shells stop a lot and backtrack to home in on a guy (because they are so slow if someone is coming at you, the shell wont move fast enough and has to backtrack) so it can hit other players on your team, the guy has way too long of a chance to get an item, and my favorite one: IT HITS YOU! In Soviet Russia, your red shell hits you! Again, awful. I'd say 33% of red shells end up hitting a guy.

So pretty bad :(
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