I love my friends! You guys make me soo happy! and GAHH! paintballing was so much fun! but i have a lot of bruises =(
I like you* haha if it were only that easy.. lol
the fortune cookie told me to tell that special someone something but the fortune wasn't really mine..so? chhicken GOAAT!
umm Jeah.?!?..
im tired
Halloween? what should i be for Halloween? hm... =D
haha me in the pigtails, my cousin sam, and my aunt holding tyler my other cousin lol
my brother, when he was a little baby! aqqqqq haha
lol me!! and specky!!!
and haha i found one of jana....lol
8th grade! hehe
Oh, and one more thing, I hate it when people call me stupid. if you have something to tell me, then just tell me, dont go writing it in your journal. Especially when its about something so not your business. fucking pisses me off. from someone that hates immature things and immature people, what you said was so damn immature. I dont care if it was your "opinnion" about whatever you were talking about, just stop. I honestly dont know what happened between us, but Ive noticed the only time I am ever brought up in one of your journals or converstations its nothing good. but ya wanna know someithing? If you think Im stupid for hanging out with my friends, which are by the way great people, then I think my best friend is stupid, no not stupid, im not gonna go calling people stupid like you, I think my best friend is wrong about you. Or at least I was when I classified you as a best bud. Im not asking for an apology, Im just asking for some respect.
okay I'm gonna stop here, before i get too carried away.
alrighty, buhbye