In astrology we look at many relevant aspect connections between the planets in your personal chart as well as in the actual daily astrology. This article is an astrological discussion and forecast of the planetary weather in the heavens for September 7 to 9, 2009. If you have the same specific aspect connection being active in the heavens as in your own personal chart you will experience similar things I am describing. Like if you have Moon in Aries in your personal chart you will be able to relate to what I describe here today in an even more profound way.
In astrology we look at many relevant aspect connections between the planets in your personal chart as well as in the actual daily astrology. This article is an astrological discussion and forecast of the planetary weather in the heavens for September 7 to 9, 2009. If you have the same specific aspect connection being active in the heavens as in your own personal chart you will experience similar things I am describing. Like if you have Moon in Aries in your personal chart you will be able to relate to what I describe here today in an even more profound way. 1272377101