The Things I Do For My Brother

Aug 28, 2005 23:45

All right, Well tonight my brother asked me to help him get his stuff ready for his first day of school tomorrow...His first day at a new school at that!  Yeah, he might be a little nervous...ahh well who isn’t?  Especially when they are freshmen?  Come on you all went through it!

So I helped him pick out some clothes and sat and talked to him for a few before he went to bed....

We have some good times together....

Like the time he cooked a pizza and it wasn’t even done...and I had already ate apiece...yeah it made me sick...He is never cooking again!  Lol* unless I am not hungry!  (Lol that sounds somewhat fat)

Yeah...-Good Times!  :)

So after, it was all sad and done my bro had a little dilemma with the clothing attire...  He has a blood blister on his toe and it looks like it hurts him so bad...poor thing...So he asks me what to do?  I tell him the only thing I could think of....Put a band aid over it....and Him being such a little baby about being ticklish asks me to put them on for him....and of course Me being the best sister ever decided Id get over my sickness from feet and blood all of the nasty stuff and put them on for him...

I’m not Joking it was the hardest thing to do....because I get sick easily when it comes to feet and blood/broken body parts....etc.  I’m not sure way...I never use to?  It’s a mystery....

Anyways...The morale of the story....

I love my bro so much Id do anything for him...even if it means me getting sick over it....

The things I do for my beloved brother....

I TELL YOU!  Ha-ha!
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