
Jan 16, 2012 12:14

Like madamedarque mentions at the top of this same meme, my writing, too, has been very nearly non-existent this last year, for a variety of reasons. In an effort to nudge my muse back into some sort of non-useless activity, a meme!

Name a character from one of my fandoms, and I'll give you either:

a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon,
b) a reason he or she sucks
c) a reason he/she is awesome
d) five things that never happened to that character
e) five people that character never slept with and why

I'll also offer up the same addition to 'e': I might also offer the possibility of "five people that character did sleep with and why.

A list of fandoms that I'd feel capable of doing any of this for: Harry Ptter, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Firefly, La Femme Nikita, The Devil Wears Prada, and I might be able to swing some Alice in Wonderland 2010 or Dollhouse.

In unrelated news...

Have finished Farscape. The miniseries that ended it all just about tore my heart out, but I enjoyed it until the very end. Am still processing, but may have more to say on it later.

Also watched my way through Off the Map, a short-lived medical drama about a clinic in rural South America. It was kind of interesting, and I am sad that it only had 13 episodes.

Have watched the first two episodes of season two of Sherlock, and plan to sit down to watch the third on Wednesday when I have the day off. So far, I've thoroughly enjoyed both.

I've just started Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, finally. It's about time, considering I've watched and adored just about everything else Joss Whedon has ever touched (except the X-Men thing, that was kind of terrible), and I'm pleased to say that my fears that I would think Buffy was a stupid, boring show were entirely unfounded. I'm very much liking it so far. I'm halfway through season three, and have been informed that I really need to watch Buffy and Angel simultaneously starting with season four, so... this might take a while.

In between episodes of Buffy, one of my friends and I are (very, very slowly, due to work schedules and her children and everything) working our way through Being Human, the UK version. Am loving it. LOVING IT. Yay. Vampires are apparently my thing this month (though I still blatantly refuse to read Twilight or pretty much anything by Anne Rice, so...)

And... that's it. Lol. Going to work now, so responses to the meme might not happen until tomorrow, or Wednesday when I'm off all day. ;)

buffy, farscape, being human, meme, sherlock, off the map, angel, random, the muse

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