OMG Random Thing!
Okay, this one comes with a story.
One day about four years ago, I walked into my house to find Nick, one of the guys who lived with us, sitting in the middle of the living room floor, staring at this:
Jackie: Uhhh... what is that?
Nick: A pine-cone-on-a-stick-in-a-pot-with-feathers.
Jackie: *blink blink* Um, why?
Nick: Why not?
Jackie: Fair enough.
It's about two and a half feet tall (shh, PJ, it's still portable... kind of), if you count the feathers, and you can't tell from the picture, but the pine cone itself is sprayed with gold glitter glaze. Apparently Nick had seen it at a yard sale and just had to stop and buy it to... display proudly in the middle of the living room floor? I don't know. So Brandon and the other guys came home, deemed it fabulous, and moved it to it's home for the next two years: the center of my dining room table. *headdesk* When Brandon and I moved nearly two years ago, it ended up coming with us, and now it sits on the end table in my living room. It's strange and weird and odd and completely, totally random. And despite my initial horrified reaction, it's kind of grown on me. Lol. Who knows; maybe when Brandon and I part households in February, it'll end up following me to my new home. My living room would look kind of boring without it.