Added season one of BSG to my brand new Netflix queue. I blame
clueless_02. :p
Also added? Season Three of Big Love, 'cause I fell behind somewhere around the beginning of that season and never got caught up, and the Alberta Watson movies they had that I hadn't yet watched. Am still unsure about watching season four of 24 to see her in it, though; I hate jumping into shows four seasons in, but was not impressed with the beginning of season one, so don't want to watch it all the way through, either.
Eh, I have, about six months worth of stuff to watch anyway. Can wait to make a decision there.
So, Big Love first. Also, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Then I'll get started on BSG. Woot.
(P.S. If I accidentally get sucked into another fandom or two, someone please follow the breadcrumb trail and drag me back out of there, okay? I have enough fandoms as it is...)