*~*ScHoOl SuCkS*~*

Aug 27, 2003 20:22

Hey kiddos! Well Friday we had our first game against Watkins Memorial and sadly we lost once again...just adding to our record lol! The band did awesome at half time tho! *GO GUARD!* Then me, Ry, Matt, and Kristen all decided to go to Waffle House and so after the game we were leavin and sum guyz behind us were honkin there horn at us and so all 4 us flicked em off and like a min later they thru a pop can at Matts car and man is he crazy about his car so he got out of the car and wuz like "wtf are you doin?!" and there wuz 4 guyz and not one of em said a word! Preppy ass bitches~ So Matt got back in the car and Ry wuz like "well its ok Matt cuz Kristen would have had your back!" It wuz great stuff! lol But the rest of the night on wuz bad cuz Matt wuz in a bad mood but I went and stayed the night at Rys house.
Saturday I really dont member what I did lol
Sunday I think I went to Rys and we decided that we were goin to start goin to the gym and so that wuz fun stuff I guess lol but I think thats all I did.
Monday wuz the first day of school and it sucked. Lets see...where do I start?! I think in periods 1,2,9,10 are the only ones where I have 1 person that I like and the rest of the ppl are just retarded or I hate them for sum reason or other. Health is the most retard class I have and the freakin teacher is so old and grrr! Then Monday night me, Matt, and Kristen all went over to Rys house to chill and we watch Dumb and Dumber...oh goodness! lol
Tuesday the day at school wuznt any better...we had dance class durin flags so we didnt have to go outside but I think that wuz the only good part of the day. We had practice after school which wuz absolutely stupid and Crissa quit so we have a hole in the show now and she wuz only there for like 2 weeks! Well I found out sum shit about my dad and hes just an asshole but I havent called him yet cuz Im just goin to go off on him and its just goin to be all bull shit from then on so Im just goin to ignore him for now. I ended up goin home to Rys wit Matt and we were helpin his dad out well really Matt and Ry were so I started my h/w kinda and then Kristen ended up comin over and we left bout 9:30 cuz Kristen had to home by 10.
Today wuznt to bad at school I guess. We actually started doin work! I wuz so sick of hearin bout "excelling in excellence" and readin the damn agenda book it wuz gettin real boring. After school I got my new glasses, got my nails done, and went school supply shoppin...whoa day did I have to get alot! Came home and we had to go to Uno's cuz if u bought dinner there then 20% of the money of your dinner went to the band boosters and my moms on the excutive board and so she had to go and we went and had dinner there. Now its time for me to go get workin on that h/w....ITS MURDA!
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