Oct 28, 2006 12:19
In today's society it people are judged by their appearances! Unfortunately that is not a current development. people have been judged by their looks for as long as people have been out of the Garden of Eden! In the middle ages, women who were plump and pale were considered gorgeous. However, now a days girls have to be able to dissapear when they turn sideways and spend practically every day in a tanning bed in order to even be glimpsed at. That is the message society is sending girls these days! AND IT DISGUSTS ME!! I'm so tired of people looking at my face or my body and judging me by my type and deciding that they know everything about me before they've even said one word to me! I am an average girl in my own mind and while I do try to stay in shape and work out and do all that good stuff it just seems that society is pressuring me to be something I'm not!! I'm not a blonde bombshell. I refuse to undergo plastic surgery to give myself huge breasts or the perfect nose or even a new ass! Right now i like me for me and I'm sorry if you can't look past my outer shell and see the girl that lies behind my eyes! My own Mother argued with me today about my health and how I'm an "unhealthy" child...well if you know my family you know that my older and younger sister are skinny and me and my brother are average....by no means are we fat but we aren't skinny either so we get clumped in with the middle group and it just bother's me that my own mother instead of accepting me for who I've decided to be sits there and tries to persuade me to be somebody who I'm not!! I'm a Vegetarian I wont eat Chicken Pork or beef.....yet every time I turn around she's trying to offer me one of these things!! Its like she is refusing to see the me that I have become!! My mother once told me"I'd rather you be anorexic than fat" our society is completely upside down...instead of making sure our children are happy we try to make them physical god's and goddesses...well that is not me! It isn't in my genetics...the women on my dad's side of the family are very curvacious and well that just seems to be the direction my body decided to go in...however, the women on my mom's side of the family seem to all be no butt, no tummy, no fat, dissapear when they turn sideways kind of girl's and well like I said before that isn't me!! I may have become a vegetarian but it wasn't b/c I wanted to lose weight. I may have gone back to the rink but it wasn't b/c I wanted to lose weight. I don't make my entire being revolve around my physical appearance. I try not to judge other people on their's either! I love people for being themselves..be who you are! Don't try and change unless you want to! Now I'm not condoning our obese society I'm more criticizing our "Barbie-doll wannabee" society! We aren't made of plastic and we aren't all shaped the same...That's what makes us such a fun group of beings...not our likenesses but our differences and I believe they should be celebrated not persecuted!