Oct 20, 2005 19:43
school was so boring.i cant wait til highschool! new people,,new teachers,,and did i mention new people?! kay so heres how today went
1st--talked to juliette..jeniffer..dylan..and brittainy..oh yeah and slept during dear : )
2nd--had mrs.miles as a sub.eh.uhm did science homework cause i didnt do it last night.and talked (as usual)
3rd--had to go to mrs.andersons car.oh em gee.i got so scared.cause like all the ghetto guys walked by.and i was out there all alone.in the middle of the ghetto.ah! haha "im glad you didnt get mugged :)" lol emma i <3 you!
4th--loehfelm.so what do you think i did?? slept :) :)
5th--had some really weird sub. "shes hott.i really like her stockings!" haha alex.your just too cool! yeah so we took some test
6th--one word: OH!!! anyone at first lunch..you know what i'm talking about! hahaha!
7th--relyea.ugh.did some lab thing.haha really boring.but since there was a fire alarm at the beginning of the period we all sat outside and talked.so that was rockin! haha
8th--tap! mista heaf! yeah.haha me and rianna are so bad.probably cause we sing to the songs instead of dance to them! lol..shim.sham.shim.sham.shim sham shimmayyy!! lawlzz.thats sucha rad class : p
kay well as you can see.my day was boring! lol.well uhm lets see i went to tumbling tonight with the wonderful meghan flannery! aw i love her soo much! kay well i need to go finish my homework! so i'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!! mwahh
<33 jackie