Penny is four months old today. The time flies!
She's still a great sleeper, though night nursings have increased. She takes three naps a day still and insists that her bedtime is 6:00 (wake after 7am).
She had the most ungodly blistery rash (mostly diaper, but also up her whole torso) for werks and weeks. Turns out she's dairy sensitive. I am not a happy camper at all, since my normal diet includes about half a gallon of milk a day, but I'm surviving. I think she may also be mildly soy sensitive, which wouldn't ordinarily be a problem, but so many dairy substitutes have soy.
She's working towards sitting, and she's a big-time thumb sucker (left thumb preferred). She likes to be alone in a way Norah never did. And good lord above, I hope that stays, because one excitable extrovert is all I think I can stand! Different as they are, the girls absolutely adore each other. Norah hasn't evinced even the slightest jealousy; I am amazed by the bigness of her soul!