Nov 08, 2013 17:26
Yesterday afternoon, P got up from a nap. I nursed her, then plonked her in the baby swing so I could attend to N. P was happy, so I did some housework. This continued 45 minutes, until she fell asleep again and napped another hour-plus.
Today, she has skipped the mid-afternoon meal and, as far as I can tell, the entire awake period. She's been in bed four hours. She had minor trouble settling, but for the last 3.5 hours all I've heard from her is a couple hums over the monitor, little between-sleep-cycle noises.
She's such an easy baby! I feel guilty. N was pretty easy, so I figured I'd get my due with the next one. But this one's just as healthy and cheerful, and a champion sleeper.
I'm warm and fed and happily married. There's no warfare or natural disaster in my homeland. AND my babies are healthy and sweet? Too much blessing for my communist soul to rest easy!
But fear not, sweet internet! I can still complain! Witness: I'm supposed to be taking dinner to a new mom today. Penny's nap (and Norah's! Did I mention Norah napped over 2 hours today? Somehow Friday at preschool is always rough and all the kids and teachers exhausted, even though it's a MTThF 9-12 program) ... Anyway, the girls' naps let me cook in leisure. Thai curry and brown jasmine rice. Plus I put coconut icing on the key lime cake I baked yesterday.
But, here comes the complaining: Now P is still asleep, and I need to deliver the food. D worked in Cbus today, so he won't be home till 6:15 or so. I guess if I gotta I'll just deliver the food after he gets home. Ain't but a five-minute drive.
Ooh, and more complaining: The sun has just set. It is 5:21pm. I miss daylight savings time. I know that as a SAHM I ought to have the luxury to just, like, ignore the numbers on the clock and move myself earlier or something. But the psychological piwer f the clock is strong, so I think of 5:21 as afternoon not twilight. All winter I feel like I'm being robbed of evenings. There it is, midafternoon then, suddenly, poof!, nighttime. Yeuch!
Well, I s'pose that's enough rambling. But what epse does one do when the baby's nap has run improbably long? Can't start anything that can't be interrupted, so I piddle.
via ljapp