Jan 01, 2011 15:45
It is a cold but sunny day. I can take most of the cold provided the sun comes out. I feel like a cat basking in the rays coming through the french doors while I play on the computer. The maple trees, pussy willow and magnolias are acting like it is spring. I hope they will be able to continue their start after the weather snaps back to normal winter temps today. It was 62 here yesterday - warmer than my mom in California and New Mexico and started today at 48 but the temperature is expected to drop with the approaching front.
School starts Monday. I got news while we were away that I have been awarded a full year of professional development leave. It is not called sabbatical but that's the idea. I don't have to teach any classes for the academic year 2011-2012 which is the last year of quarters. I'll come back to semesters the fall of 2013. Wow. I feel like I have won the lottery. I need to figure out what I can realistically accomplish in my time off. I plan on reading in a whole new area of sociology - the sociology of food. I have a long list of books and journal articles with which to acquaint myself.
We stopped on our way back from Christmas with the Norris family in Texas and visited with Fritzmomma's two boys. Elder had just returned from a semester in Florence, Italy which he adored. The younger is doing well after his freshman semester. It was great to see them both and Mr. Sweetheart too. Snicklefritz is showing his years, he is fifteen and slowing down.
We took the boys to see True Grit. I really enjoyed this latest Coen brothers effort. I'd put it up there with Fargo and No Country for Old Men. I want to see the old John Wayne version again just for nostalgia's sake. Mike and I took in The King's Speech at our favorite art cinema here. Colin Firth does such a good job of portraying a stutterer. It made me want to read more about Edward's abdication of the throne for Wallace Simpson.
I wish you all a good 2011.