(HP) Monday's Child - Chapter List

Oct 30, 2009 16:46

Title: Monday's Child
Fandom: Harry Potter
Author: jackiejlh
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): Narcissa Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Fleur Weasley, Andromeda Tonks, Percy Weasley, Minerva McGonagall
Pairing(s): Bill/Fleur, Andromeda/Ted
Warning(s): Implied torture (not graphic)
Author's Note: The story and chapter titles are taken from the children's rhyme, "Monday's Child".
Summary: During times of war, we are all just children playing with matches; a burn is inevitable. Missing scenes from Deathly Hallows.

1. Monday's Child is Fair of Face
Narcissa Malfoy - Monday, 7 September 1955

2. Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace
Luna Lovegood - Tuesday, 24 February 1981

3. Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe
Hermione Granger - Wednesday, 19 September 1979

4. Thursday's Child Has Far To Go
Fleur Weasley - Thursday, 5 May 1977

5. Friday's Child is Loving and Giving
Andromeda Tonks - Friday, 12 March 1953

6. Saturday's Child Must Work for a Living
Severus Snape - Saturday, 9 January 1960

7. But the Child That's Born on the Sabbath Day
Percy Weasley - Sunday, 22 August 1976

8. Is Fair and Wise and Good and Gay
Minerva McGonagall - Sunday, 4 October 1925

character: hermione granger, character: fleur delacour weasley, series: monday's child, genre: gen, genre: angst, character: andromeda tonks, genre: het, warning: torture, pairing: ted/andromeda, length: 501 – 2000 words, character: severus snape, pairing: bill/fleur, character: bill weasley, fandom: harry potter, character: narcissa malfoy, character: luna lovegood, character: percy weasley, rating: pg-13, character: minerva mcgonagall, genre: drama

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