Just to write something...

May 30, 2010 07:08

Oh, my, God. xD I just noticed it is 4am. xD But I have to write a journal. About lots of stuff. xD About KAT-TUN, about my new top kdrama. There is some random guy screaming his lungs out somewhere in the street right now. I have no idea why. But he sounds to be in pain. o.O *goes to check* ... *back after long time* xD Now is 5am. Living downtown is really amusing. You never get bored. xD Today, a guy from the building (condominium? ) next to mine, decided to spank other to death. Some homosexuals issues seems to be related, dunno if about both parts or only one of the parts (and that was the reason for the spanking xD) . But no one got killed. Just severed hurt. According to the neighbor there is blood all over the elevator. As it turned out to be nothing huge, it was a waste of my time, where i spent a hour freezing in the balcony. xD But, yet, it was very amusing, the screaming. x3

Me and my terrible sense of humor... xD

Although I haven't talked about KAT-TUN in journals for a certain time, I am really excited about everything that is going on. xD Concert, Album, PVs. I didn't even commented Going! Making of yet, and it was so amusing. xD So let's talk about Going! Making of.


I loved how everyone seemed really happy. xD I love Taguchi falling of the skateboard. xD³ I loved the dog toy in the end. xD I just wished I knew what Taguchi and Ueda were talking about marriage. -___- That let me a little uneasy. But it was sublime. All of it. :3 I hate to admit that Jin's absence let the atmosphere lighter, but it is true. _o_ I am just waiting for a subbed version. I got most of the things that were going on, but it is always nice to have certain. xD

xD I love this part.

Still about Going! single, I have to change a opinion. First, when I heard FALL DOWN intro from a radio rip, I really didn't liked the song, I said it was not my kind of song. But now I have to say that I love FALL DOWN more than Going! and that FALL DOWN is now one of my favorite KAT-TUN songs. It is really amazing. :3 Still in Going!, I have to say hat in this particular moment, I am really addicted in Maru's solo, Answer. I have no idea why. But I love to listen the song. I listen when I leave home for college, I listen when I leave college for home. I listen when I log in the PC. x3 Maru is really something.

xD Don't get that embarrassed, Maru xD It's true! xD

Speaking of Maru. I am really looking forward to listen his next new solo, FILM. He was the one who wrote it and I really love Maru's songs. My favorite Maru solos were written by him. I wished he had more confidence in his skills, cause he is truly talented. :3 And since I brought FILM issue, I have to talk about the new album, NO MORE PAIИ. *O*

*massive nosebleed*
 OH-MY -GOD! *O* HAVE YOU SEEN THE HORSES?? *O* I DON'T EVEN HAVE A HUGE CRUSH OVER MEN IN HORSES! GOD, KAT-TUN MAKE ALL MY FANTASIES COME TRUUUUUUUUUUE!!!! [/fangirling] I am really excited. Specially over Uepi's new solo. :3 He always makes the most amazing songs. I am really anxious. But, I am sad for two things. First: NOT FAIR! K-TN are going to have two new solos this year, A will have a dozen and JunDa will have only ONE??? NOT FAIR! I demand KAT-TUN to release a new single after the tour, so we can have new Uepi solo!! u.ú  Second: WHY NO SPIN SONG??? TT^TT ME NEEDS SPIN SONGS!! TT^TT SPIIIIIIIIIIIN!!! COME BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!

I also excited about my room and my KAT-TUN collection. :3 The last three weeks, every Monday morning I got a new package. xD Magazines, Going CDs and concert goods. xD So happy Mondays. xD I reorganized my entire room, and it looks so clean and empty now. xD But, I have KAT-TUN all around my bed. xD It is really good to wake up and the first thing I see is Uepi's smile. :3 Take a look *yes, likes showing around her KAT-TUN stuff 'cause is proud. >.< Sorry* :

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You can listen to Bokura no Machi de playing in the back. xD

Besides that, today I finish watching one of my favorite kdramas. :3 I really fell in love with this one and I totally recommend. Cause it is funny, it is romantic. It is Personal Taste! *O*

Oh! No way! A woman!! xD

You know, at first, I didn't wanted to watch 'cause of Lee Min Ho. He played Tsukasa (Jun Pyo) in the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango. And I really didn't liked him back there. I guess I have something against Tsukasas. xD But I watched all the same 'cause the plot seemed to be amusing and, well, I really wanted to see Jun Pyo playing the gay. xD But I so fell in love with the drama and Lee Min Ho's character! *O* Now, together with Ji Hoo (Korean Hanazawa Rui), Lee Min Hoo's character in Personal Taste, Jin Ho (even the name looks alike xD) are my Korean perfect guys. *O* And Personal Taste is now my favorite KDrama, together with You're Beautiful. Personal Taste has a little advantage. :3 Second place still is Boys Before Flowers. *O* Spoiler vid down here. :3

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*O* LEE MIN HO CAN KISS! *is dead shocked and loved it! *

And, lol, this past few weeks I became a kid again. xD I got a Super Nintendo Emulator for my PC, and just finished playing Super Mario World! *O* God, I used to play it when I was ten. xD Such good memories. xD

YOSHI! SUKI! <3 *is still wondering why Bowser was so easy to defeat...*

To a bad new before I go to bed. I am feeling really sick and bad lately. Mentally and physically. I am sad, I feel guilty. I feel bad. You know, very recently I noticed how my father must be a lonely person and now, every now and then I think about it and feel really bad. =/ I may talk about that later. And my body is complaining a lot. I need to go and see a doctor. My sis got assaulted last week. Everything is a mess. xD But we are doing our best. :3 And I am so very sorry about Yokoyama Yu's mom. =/ That was really sad and I am totally impressed about Yoko's professionalism and strength. I love him even more now. =/

Be strong, Yoko. =) Luvya.

Keep being by my side everyone. xD See ya. :3

kat-tun, all about me, dramas

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