Jun 22, 2007 08:03
So I went to IGA to check my hours and see Alex. Well the first thing Alex tells me is that since I asked for more hours at IGA during the day and I can't get them that someone had the great idea to stick me in deli....WITHOUT talking/telling/asking/ discussing this with me. I do not want to work in Deli. No convo of well are you happy with teh hours we can give u here.
I'd like to say that I'm tired of the bs, but it's not over yet.
I called Alex later on tonight he said that it gets worse. Nothing I've done per say, but apparently someone in the bakery is supposed to be spying on us to make sure we aren't doing anything inappropriate in the bakery. Can you talk about lack of trust? I don't want to point fingers at anyone, but ever since things have come up with Amy we've had nothing, but trouble. Nobody knows for sure what's going on. ALex heard that Amy is this spy or Megan. I'm worried because it's not like me and ALex are making out in front of everyone, but sometimes we do kiss goodbye and touch discretely. Jenna thinks that maybe someone is spreading rumours.
Just because of all this bs I want to quit. All I do is work hard and try to work with everyone as best as possible. And what do I get grief. My mom thinks that everyone at that store is goofy. That I have to tough it out until after my holidays since it would be dumb to start looking for a job right now, seeing as two week notice, leads into my vacation time. Tough it out...I can do this
Vacation is another thing that has been bothering me. I really want ALex to coem with me, but there is a chance that he might not. I know why he won't be able to come and it's important it's just every year I've asked someone to come they can't. I don't take this well. The cottage is important and a specail time for me and it's sometimes hard to get my parents to agree to someone coming.
Sigh...work is really upsetting me and I just need to have Alex's support and know that we are ok, stable.
Good news is I've seen a couple of jobs I've been interested in.
I was recently thinking that just for kicks me and alex should tell people at work that we broke up. Keep our relationship under wraps at work just to let things settled down. Everything was better when we weren't together. i have no intentions of breaking up with Alex, but the stress of work is getting to me. Why does it have to be difficult? It's like yes sometimes I make fun of tom and lisa working together and being in a relationship, but I don't judge them or spy on them.