No matter if she hurts me, betrays me, or breaks my heart, I will always forgive her, she has helped me learn to be cautious to whom I open my heart to. No one can ever do it like she does, and I couldn't love anyone more. We may go through our ups and downs but in the end I know it is always going to be her and I when everyone else screws us over. I don't want to make friends with people that attempt to catch my attention by staring or glancing. I don't want to make friends with people that sit next to me for a few minutes and walk away. I don't want to make friends with people that keep showing up at my job in hopes of some connecting moment will make miracle of itself. I don't want to make friends with people that say, "I like your style/hair/makeup" and then don't have anything else lined up. I want someone to walk up next to me and keep walking as if we know one another and we started together from point A and plan to continue to point B. She did exactly that - she is one of the most amazing person(s) in my life at this point. With her in my life I never forget who I am or why I am here.