
Apr 01, 2012 17:41

As I'm sure most of you know, (cause I've blabbed about it quite a bit, lOL!) yesterday I got to go to a book signing/Q&A session by my favorite author, JR WARD, who created the Black Dagger Brotherhood books, who most of my dolls are inspired by. I took V with me decked out in his leathers, and I had so many people come up to me and ask to take photos of him/with him. He developed quite a fan club by the time it was over, LOL! Ms Ward seemed to be impressed by him as well. The signing was so crowded (about 700 people showed up) that they pushed us through really quickly, so she didn't get to look at him long, but she did want to see him, and said how cool he was. It was really nice.

The signing was standing room only, and she answered questions for about an hour and a half. She is really so funny and personable. Found out info on the upcoming books and insight into the current book just released. It was a great time, although my arms were plenty tired from holding V throughout the whole thing, LOL! Legs were worn out from standing, but it was worth it. Anyway, I thought V deserved some new pics while he was decked out in his leathers. Gosh..............he truly is a remarkable doll. Lyn did an amazing job capturing him in 3D form. Everyone at the signing seemed to think so too. I had several people ask me where they could get one, LOL! Several other people asked me if I was going to give him to JR Ward...................(Ummmm, no way in H*ll, LOL, thank you very much. She will have to contact Lyn and get her own, LOL!) Anyway, he looked too good not to snap a few new pics of him to share.

iplehouse, vishous, v, black dagger brotherhood, eid, arvid

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