5 more days!!!!

Jun 07, 2005 09:39

yesterday was so much fun!! jessie slepover on sun night and it was fun bc we talked about the old times and how my penguin has a lazy eye!! lol LAZY EYE LENNY!!!! then mon morning after we ate trix!!! after that we went and brought dimitris to work and then we went to jessies house and TANNED!! and it was fun bc her mom made us pina coladas and we had popcicles!! YuMMmm!! at 3 i had to pick dimitris back up from work i showered and got ready and then we ate pizza hutt whicle we ate we watched assult on precint 13 and after we ate we went to hob lob and got some stuff and then we went back to his house. im glad me and jessie are better friends again and are hanging out more its fun!!! and only 5 more days until florida!! im excited i think itll be fun!!!! and HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!!!
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