Nov 11, 2008 13:45
kevin left yesterday and today is day two into my self imposed seclusion, also called 'writing is so incredibly hard'. the wind in amsterdam has picked up since saturday, trees shake violently, the streets are devoid of people, the rain drowns out the sounds of moving bicycle wheels. on saturday, after a brief appearance at suzanne's gallery, i accepted an invitation to be part of a rehearsal, watching a horse being filmed while a footage of a velvet underground performance was shown, after which i sat down on a table like hardworking students in detention putting the surreal experience into words for two solid hours. in the gusty night, on our bicycles, jon the artist led me home and said we should kiss three times like how the dutch do it. more translating we had to do before the night ends.
i switched back to drinking whiskey exclusively ever since my arrival and discovered the different things it does to me compared to gin. all i know is gin does me more good than whiskey does, cue my episode of finishing two thirds of a bottle of jack daniels in two hours and sleeping like the dead on na.'s couch. i feel more inclined to calm adult behaviour these days, but since lainey is coming for a surprise visit (shortly after dear kevin's), let's see what happens over the weekend.
ok, back to writing about form, spaces of relations, stripes and slow art.