Aug 12, 2009 17:12
Reading about the European Witch Panic (of course), and ran across this gem from a Witchfinder:
To dance indecently; eat excessively; make love diabolically; commit atrocious acts of sodomy; blaspheme scandalously; avenge themselves insidiously; run after all horrible, dirty, and crudely unnatural desires; keep toads, vipers, lizards, and all sorts of poison as precious things; love passionately a stinking goat; caress him lovingly; associate with and mate with him in a disgusting and scabrous fashion--are these not the uncontrolled characteristics of an unparalleled lightness of being and of an execrable inconstancy that can be expiated only through the divine fire that justice placed in Hell?
To which I reply: No, Sir, it is not! For I have been to Hell, and I will tell you true, they had a strict dress code!
Otherwise, yeah, that's about right, except for the bit about the goat. Only goat I ever encountered at Manray was at Chris' wedding, and it was delicious! Or maybe he was prophesying about some of our less handsome patrons...