Big Bang 2010: Author's Note & Acknowledgments

Jul 26, 2010 10:59

This story came from a series of conversations with my friend rat2002, that began over a year ago, and this fic with it. We explored the very existence of evil in the world today and how, while it may not be in the form of blatant supernatural occurrences, it is wrapped in the veil of human 'monsters' throughout history. The list, too long for comfort, we narrowed down to the activities of serial killers John Wayne Gasey and Jeffrey Dahlmer. Their stories impacted me in that I lived in Chicago at around the time one of them was caught and the other was up for retrial.

This was my first Big Bang and was an experience I'll never forget. How could I when I got to collaborate with some fantastic people and exist in a community where excitement and frustrations came in equal measures. We shared a boat and tried to help bale one another out as often as we could. That. Was cool.

And it wouldn't have been possible without the tireless work of the modes, wendy and thehighwaywoman. I can't imagine the boundless details, the massive amounts amounts of time, the negotiating of freaked-out writers and frustrated artists in getting this off the ground. Thank you guys for making that sacrifice and deeming this important enough.

Special thanks to:

gaelicspirit; When I first came to this fandom, your work was one of the first, and through it, you remain one of the most prophetic Supernatural writer's to date. Meeting you at KazCon, discovering how the author was every bit as genuine as her work, was a sincere pleasure. When I thought over whom I'd ask to punch through all my grammar mistakes, continuity errors and plot holes, I knew you'd be my first choice. Your heart, your passion and understanding of the characters, their world and the way you textured even the oc's, it was that lens through which I wanted this story worked. Thank you so very much for saying yes.

thruterryseyes; my artist and someone else whose Supernatural writing I thoroughly admire. Your stories always keep me on the edge of my seat and it was a pleasure to be a fan-girl at your feet the year we met at KazCon. Then, to find out you did art, and with such an eye for detail and texture, left me in awe of your multi-talented ways. Then to get the chance to work with you here... It was a pleasure collaborating with such someone who creates visions in print and in art.

mad_server; Thank you so very much for stepping in at the final hour and agreeing to do the final read-thru. No small task considering the size of this thing and how little time there was and how wonderfully well you handled it all. You! Saved. My. Bacon. I'm so very glad we got to work together again.

creepylicious; Thank you so much for stepping in at the last minute and doing the final FINAL read through. Time and technical difficulties aside, you didn't let those things slow you down. I got the final notes this morning and there was plenty of time to apply them. Amazing, dude. I simply can't thank you enough for your help.

adrenalineshots; I saved the most important for last. My muse. My heart. It's been a journey, has it not? It started back when I first found your stories. There was a truly lyrical and gorgeous quality to your work. You made me laugh in one instant, and gasp in another. You truly had and always have had, a strong sense of originality and depth but more than that, your stories just.... fit. I offered to be your beta and now look where we are. I would never have started writing again, and I definitely would never have done this without you. Your support. Your guidance. Your understanding and patience, but mostly your friendship. It's that friendship that has made every word worth anything. No matter how the idea shook out in the end, the process was more enriching now and every story after, for your presence in my life. You're an lighthouse when seas have been less than following. And sky so cloudy and I couldn't see the stars. My compass. Yeah, yeah, I'm still a pirate at heart, but then I couldn't imagine better crew-mates to weather the storm with.

Aside from the lovely folks above, any remaining errors are mine. Partly because I'm kinda stubborn. Partly because I just missed stuff.


season 1, dean, oc, h/c, hurt!dean, sam, case!fic, supernatural, big bang 2010

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