
Aug 18, 2009 08:51

Finally into the house. Lots of stuff to still be done and put away but it'll get there. Once things are more in order I'll be sure to post new pics.

Work's is still work though a little on the slow side right now.

SGU? So not picking on one person or anything but dear lord I'm sick of all the fandom wank. For people who've said from the beginning that they weren't going to watch the show they sure to take pleasure in making sure they crank themselves up by continuing to follow the spoilers. There are quite a few out there that I'd love to say "shut up and get a life" to. I get some of the issues that people are having but I also understand how this whole game works - I'm not going to waste my time getting upset but some document or spoiler that was leaked until I actually SEE the ep for myself. And I'm willing to give the show a few eps to see what it's about and where it's going.

And yeah so the Eagles. **sigh** Heck I'm STILL not sure where I totally stand on the issue of them signing Vick. I get what Reid and Laurie are doing and yeah the Humane Society is working with him and there's all sorts of things going on there but the animal lover in me is STILL wishing for a career ending injury for this jackass. And I'll give ya'll fair warning - don't give me the "he's served his time" line cause remember I'm a Philly fan and you'll be lucky if all you get is a "F**K OFF". However all that said I WILL NOT jump off the Eagles bandwagon.

So I guess that'll be all for this rant.

stargate, eagles, moving

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