Jun 24, 2009 11:42
"The acting biz is hard and unpredictable. In fact, most fledgling stars have to pick up a side job to pay the bills. Tiffany Pollard, aka New York, is no exception. Auditions come and go, but real parts are few and far between and Tiffany has found her bank account to be about as resilient as her ability to stay away from a Carl's Jr. Late Night Drive Thru. This girl needs a J-O-B!
Unfortunately, Tiffany's job experience is a little less than the status quo for a woman her age. Can she file? No. Work on an oil rig? Not really. Put make-up on cadaver? Maybe. And not to mention, we all know how she handles working with other people and the general public. Lets face it, other than bitch slapping, shit talking and downing gallons of ranch dressing, Tiffany Pollard is only good at one thing... making television. So if she's going to get a job, she's going to need a different approach to employment.
That's where VH1 and 51Minds step in. Together they have proposed a plan to get Tiffany working. Over the next several weeks, New York will let America decide the jobs she will do. Each week, the viewing public will pick from a list of three possible jobs for their favorite girl and vote using texts from their cellular phone. Will New York have to be a Veterinarian's Assistant, a Fishing Boat First Mate, or a Sewer worker? You Decide!! It's up to America to vote for which one they'd rather see. Whatever is chosen, it will for sure be comedy...
First Mate on a fishing boat
"Sea legs?! My legs are fine, its my stomach that's the damn problem."
Ranch Hand on a Farm
"I like animals fine, as long as they are mannerful and use proper English diction."
Cal Trans Sewer Worker
"You want me to climb in that dirty slimy asshole of the earth?"
Circus Carni
"Why didn't you tell me not to stand behind the motherfucking elephants?!"
Substitute 6th grade teacher
"I said sit down, and you better, before you can't no more."
Fast Food Employee
"Why don't we have it MY way and you can get the hell outta my restaurant?"
Mortuary Beautician
"Of course she looks shy, she friggin dead!"
Waste Management Engineer (i.e. Garbage Woman)
"Green cans, black cans, 'recyclicables'? Garbage is garbage!
Oil Drill Worker
"Of course its crude, have you seen that smelly oily crap!?"
After America chooses a job for New York, it will then be time for her to go to work. She'll tackle all aspects of her new employment. For example, if she's working at Burger King, she won't just take orders, she'll have to wash lettuce, make fries, run the drive thru, mop and clean the johns.
Her motivation? Money. If she can impress her new employer, she'll receive a $$10,000 bonus. If she quits, fails, or gets fired, she receives nothing. And America will send her on her way to her next gig. But these jobs aren't going to be easy. We're going to make this diva go to work!"
Next weeks episode should prove to be most enjoyable. She's going into the ring either with some guy i don't know, that whiteboy loser she chose to love, or that white trash girl who spit on her.
please please please please make my dreams come true. bring new york and pumpkin back face to face so they can work out their differences, in the boxing ring...