I've gotten the definitions for the english terms that aren't in the book, and printed them.
That's basically what I've accomplished today.
If I don't pass my chemistry exam tomorrow with atleast an 80, I fail for not only the semester, but the year.
Thus, I would have to take it again next year.
With the freshmen.
This cannot happen. No. NoNoNo.
The thing is over everything we've covered this year, with the exclusion of chapter 7.
That's still 15 chapters of chemistry that I have to know inside and out by 12:30 tomorrow.
I would get on it right now. Motivation and everything. But, there's a little problem, you see.
Cami, I was very disappointed when you did not finish your drawing by today's deadline. While your drawing shows creative promise, the fact that you have worked on only this piece all semester without finishing it, leaves me little choice with your grade for the semester. I am offering you one last chance...get the finished drawing to me by Monday along with the understanding that your grade for the semester can not be higher than a C- or accept an F for the semester.
Pat Harwell
I want to cause this woman a plethora of pain. She forgot that we're dismissed for the summer tomorrow, and I'm going out of town Friday morning.
I don't have till Monday. I have till tomorrow.
Further more, how long have I known about this "deadline"?
Since the end of the "deadline". When she told me about it.
I've had plenty of experience with F's, and I know when I deserve one. This is not one of those times.
Maybe if her idea of what "art" is wasn't so fucked up, I would actually have been comfortable with doing art in her class. But, at this point, I practically expect people like her in the gps visual arts department to get conservative when someone does something besides an oil pastel of dishware. Yes, I worked slow, but maybe it's because she refused all of my first ideas that I was actually inspired on doing, and only agreed with my ideas when she thought that they would result in a "clean" and "finished" piece.
Clean. Ugh.
This class is called "Art II: Independent Projects". INDEPENDENT PROJECTS. I shouldn't have to abandon my own inspiration to go mold a concept out of nothing but my own distaste for the class, just so that she would give me a passing grade for the project.
I've pushed too hard to raise my GPA with my academic grades to have my effort ripped by some extracurricular course.
I had completely forgotten that you get kicked out of gps when you get two F's for the end of the year grades.
Even with the F in art, I wouldn't be failing it for the year. But the fact that this has gone as far as to having the being-kicked-out issue brought to my attention kills me. Just a few days ago, I was thinking, "Just stop losing your composure over all of this. It's just a grade, it's not like it was in 8th grade. THAT was bad. At least you're very enrollment in GPS isn't in question this time. Get a grip." So, frankly, this realization was not very encouraging.
I have to finish it by tomorrow, get every shred of chemistry memorized, and then backtrack every book, poem, and short story that we've read all year in English, along with accomplish an understanding of every literary term we've covered.
I won't be sleeping tonight either.
1. Just Jack - Snowflakes
2. The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
3. Scooter - Shinjuku
4. Damien Rice - Volcano
5. Our Lady Peace - Superman's Dead
6. The Postal Service - Against All Odds
7. Lasgo - Something
8. Audioplacid - Mas Alla Del Cielo
9. Radiohead - Where Bluebirds Fly
I was going for soothing. Some of it's quite sleepy.
After listening to too much sleepy music, I don't get sleepy. I just get jittery.
I've run through the whole playlist at this point. Currently in anxious & twitchy animal mode.
I'm going to have to switch over to the energetic stuff. The less anxiety, the better.
Suggest me a song/band/artist. Something that I probably haven't heard before.
Doesn't matter if I'll like it or not,
just shoot.
Also, please forgive the freak-out/angsting that is this whole post.
Whenever I get on here and type up something like this, I usually delete it once it's out of my system, or just put it on private and never look at it again.
But, angst or not, I want to get some substance into this journal that's visible to someone other than myself, because the whole point of me having an online journal isn't really for anything personal(yet), but for communication. Not that me sitting here and bitching is communicating with you, but I think you get what I mean.
And if I'm too busy to upload and post photography, then I'm going to drabble on endlessly instead.
The anxiety will (probably) be nonexistant once summer vacation begins.
(I'd prefer to not jinx myself.)
(Um. I don't know how to spell jinx.)
Okay. This is okay. I'll be ready with everything in time.
The piece, the chemistry, the english, and oh FUCK. UM, the geometry homework that I just now remembered. YES. I'll be finished with that too.
As long as I ignorantly believe all of that, I'm motivated.
(It's in cases like these that I'm probably amusing to a degree. You know. Amusing in the same way a squirrel chewing on a powerline is.)
The chicklets commercial amuses me.