If it wasn't for the general goofing in the science lobby, I might have actually dubbed today as bad.
I don't like pissing off teachers.
Particularly the ones that I don't want to disappoint.
But whatever. I'll get over it. And Mrs. Lancaster and Mr. Kesler are going to have to get over it too. So.
While on the bus, Taylor let me sleep on her until we reached her stop in Ringgold. It was nice.
Beforehand, we talked about things. As we tried to figure out the sudden liking that Andrea as taken to me, she began trying to compare the state of being that I was in last year to the one that I'm in as of recently. She eventually described it as though I were back to somewhere I'd been before. All I could say for that was something about being back to my sadistic self.
It made as little sense to her as it did to me. But things generally do get ridiculous once I try verbalizing them, so no surprise there.
Before I get any farther, lemme get these 2 May Day pictures out of the way. Both Taylor. Amnesty party hat and all.
Erm. Yeah. Those are my only worthwhile May Day pictures.
If you want a real explanation of the whole ordeal,
go check out one of
slidepuzzlejesu's more recent entries. She walks you through the whole ridiculous shindig.
Then there was the fabulous Friday. People and I gathered to see Volumn 2 of Kill Bill. Grouchy Bijou grandpas wouldn't let us in. We got tickets to Mean Girls in hopes of sneaking over, but Kill Bill was on the other side of the ticket dude. So we couldn't get past. While trying to scheme up a plan as we sat in the Mean Girls theater, I ran into Megan. And her boyfriend. Again. I swear, seeing that girl so much freaks me out. I know all too well how she hates me and discusses my very murder with her father. And the fact that she's always SO happy to see me does not help. It's somewhat unnerving.
Refunds for the tickets. We mingled for the next few hours. I finally talked to Laurie about a somewhat new contradiction I've been having with myself. I usually keep my issues to myself, but talking with her actually got me the connection I had been needing. It was so great.
Now, to just figure out where I stand with this new development. Or, more precisely, what I plan to do about it. Eh.
Enough of that stupifying, cryptic verbalization of mine.
The introduction.
The proposition.
While there in the science lobby, we had been waiting for Laurie.
She finally showed up.
With a giant duck umbrella. (Much to the delight of Box.)
Then we planned on driving down to Coolidge while waiting for Andrea to call.
Box took up all the rear window space. Laurie was a bit twitchy about that. (She had been in a wreck that very morning. The second one in the past month, neither of them being her fault. So yeah. She was somewhat peeved all day.)
We found people at the Tree of Life. I found Pepper in it.
Then there was splurging at the uberly HAPPY candystore.
We did absolutely nothing. It was fabulous.
All day, I kept my hair up in a couple of twin bun things. I was utterly fed up with them by the time I got back to Dalton.
They had been up in those things for a couple days straight.
So when I took them down, my hair was doing some crazy floopy thing.
It was fun.
because I can,