Aug 31, 2003 15:48
I'm so bored
I have to snore
to do my chores
but I lord
over my horde
of snores
and just wanna fucking leave my work right now!!!!!
fucking callers
like to holler
I want to be a baller
so I can be taller
then all the callers
those motherfuckers
I will shove this ball up their fucking ass fucking suck fucks!!!!!!
Stop fucking calling me, go read a fucking book you bitch bastards, son of a bitch go play in traffic, damn cumguzzling clickity clicks, maybe I'll take the droogs out for a little of the old in and out! An anal probe made of barbwire would be better then working here like now! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I'm tired of the the fucking BEEPING! Oh I'm sorry sir, you can make sweet love down by the fire because you have to take back a cocksucking vacuum cleaner to your mother in laws house. Before you have to have a one on one with the son of a silly person that smells of elderberries. HEEHAHAHEHEHEOOOOHAHAHAHAHA Look! *points* Over there! It's my mind jumping for the gutter! No wait! It's the grinder! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Why would you call and frustrate me just to say I'm not trying to frustrate you? What the fuck! Help, I've run into a snag...
Are you really a camera whore if you don't put out? Or are you camera slut if you don't get paid to put out?
Why can't people press a few measely buttons to get to the write place on the phone? BEEP BNS Support: I'm having a problem with my bill.
God people are soooo stupid sometimes. Geez.................................................