Why do I have such sucky friends?.... It seems like no matter what I do, people just keep making me feel more worse and worse.....
Soo... my friend, the one who told me to go bi and logged off, finally answered me and tried to tell me she wasn't ignoring me, which it was clear she was since she deleted every single message I sent her. Anywway, she told me she had the right and a good reason to do what she did. I asked what that was and she said "I can't tell you, it will just make you mad". I continued to say that I wasn't going to and I won't hold a grudge; I just thought I had the right to know. She then went on and said "I did because I just did."
Great reason. She's now not talking again. Then, the next day, my other friend freaks out at me and says really hurtful things and I told him "Ya know what, if this is how you're going to be, then I don't want your friendship". I mean, he always says the rudest things to both me and my friends, and we all hate him. We're only nice to him because my one friend is dating him. Why she's dating him is beyond us.... he's a freaking talking bush who has no respect for anyone. He seriously needs to shave his beard. He thinks he's John Lennon and HE'S NOT.
Anyway, he told me I needed to "Fricking grow up".... :/ Ummm.... wha? Apparently I was being a drama queen. Not only that, he told me I was shallow and cruel :/ What? Where that came from, I don't know and honestly, I don't care. I know what I am and I know I'm none of those things.
Anyway, after this, he made his facebook status (like 3 times) "I'm logging off until the summer." and other crap about people being dramatic. Pfft... now who's the drama queen? So now he's been offline for days (THANK GOD) and I haven't talked to him since. Which I'm glad. It's just annoying because one of my good friends is dating him and she doesn't even know this happened, and I know it's going to cause problems. AWESOME.
But everyone who saw our banter, was like "Thank you for finally telling him off!". I mean, I'm not the only one who felt completely annoyed by him. We all are sick of his crap. He's the one who needs to grow up.
Ugh. I'm just so fed up with people. And I'm sick of my so called 'best friend' treating my horribly. I really think I have the right to know why she said what she said. Shouldn't best friends be able to tell each other everything? I mean, really.. I'm not going to be all like "OH MY GAH!" and get all mad and crap. I just wanna know the reason behind why she did what she did. But, to her, that's too much to ask. She's just ignoring me again.
What the heck is up with everyone? :/