Jan 29, 2010 00:55
I have not written in here in quite a while. Today is a very interesting day. We got our grades back for our first series of law school exams an i did much less better than i expected, actually i always expect to fail in life, but much less than the time i put it should reflect. I have given my life to this pursuit and i hope it pays off but judging by my scores ill be lucky to make it to next year.
Its funny how things in life work out the way they do. I used to do alot of drugs in highschool and i never gave a shit about anything until college. The small glimmer of hope for me and academia was when i read "catcher in the rye" for the first time, it was the first time that any hoity toity authors spoke to me. it made me care about books and reading them and about contributing to the global conversation on human conscoiousness. it made me realize that all these people with their fancy degrees actually were saying something that mattered to me. It made me want to get more education. After Salinger came Fitzgerald and the great gatsby, a character i identify with more as i get older.
I just think that i need to tap into that curious misanthropic inner holden caulfield that i once was. The one who did gie a fuck but learned from the school of life. Now education is no fun, i feel more like a glass family member or maybe like the bananafish who wanders into that underwater cave consumes too much, gets trapped and then die, maybe im in too deep.
Just a thought