Jan 24, 2006 01:13
Well this morning was life changing for the whole auto industry. Bill Ford Jr went live to the American audience to say they are cutting 25,000 jobs. It impacts us all. When I listened to him talk it hit me...cars are going to change dramatically in the next few years. No more muscle cars, trucks or any kind of high output cars. We didn't change quick enough for the price of oil. It really started in the early 70s but still ignored it. Thats when the imports took over. when the gas prices rised everyone wanted a little car that could get 30mpg. all the american cars were averaging 13mpg. thats a huge difference. the original "big three" executives just pretended it wasn't happening. their pride got in the way and no one wanted those huge gas guzzlers. Pride gets in the way all the time. I am a huge GM fan but, I have to give it to Ford Jr to step up and say that we as americans are going to try to change and give the imports a run for their money. it is probably too late though. this just really makes me think about whether or not to go into the auto biz. i thought i was sure of what i want to do. but with all these changes it makes me rethink what i want. I LOVE cars and trucks. its what i think about all the time. they say men think of sex every 5 mins...well i think of cars and trucks every 2 mins. its what i love. i have a passion for automobiles. i say i hate my car but deep down its my only way to freedom. if i am upset about something i take a drive to relax me. i may even love automobiles too much according to others. it cools me down when im pissed and makes me feel better when im just fine. i dont want to see cars running on batteries, i want a gasoline engine thats fast but economical, and it can be done. cars are my life right now, i wouldnt be complete wihtout them. i dont even know what got me started with cars. what we need in this country is patriotism. we need more people here to buy more of OUR cars. yes our car companies need to change and they are trying. we need to give them a chance to fix what they werent giving. so what do you say, will you help our country and fellow americans?